ENVIA-NOS UMA MENSAGEM geral@rostosolidario.pt
CONTACTA-NOS +351 256 336 001

Rosto Solidário and Passionist Congregation support response and recovery in Mozambique

Rosto Solidário, together with Passionist Congregation, launches a Solidarity Campaign to raise funds to support the emergency response in Mozambique areas affected by cyclone Idai.

Taking into account the emergency situation, this Campaign focuses on fundraising as it is the fastest way to ensure support needed at the local level.

The total amount raised will be sent to Mozambican Catholic Church having D. Luiz Fernando Lisboa – Secretary of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique, Bishop of Pemba and Passionist Missionary as the focal point. Funds will be spent in areas and sectors according to needs assessment led by local partners.

Join us and support the response and recovery of affected communities through the account:

BANCO Montepio

IBAN: PT50-0036.0095.9910.0047.9506-0


From the latest updates of the Mozambican government’s National Institute for Disaster Management: 92.561 were people affected; 14 310 children were no longer able to go to school and 616 classrooms were damaged.

Rosto Solidário and the Passionistas at Santa Maria da Feira express their deep solidarity with all the people and communities affected by the Cyclone Idai, particularly in Mozambique.

 If you wish to receive the receipt of your donation, send the proof of bank transfer and personal details: full name, VAT number and address to secretaria@rostosolidario.pt .

For additional information, please get in touch: geral@rostosolidario.pt | 00351 256 336 001

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